September in Iowa can be a lot of things—and consistent isn’t one of them. Could be 60 degrees, could be 100, could be raining, windy, muddy, sleeting, possibly apocalyptic—you name it. This race has been designed to test a person’s physical and mental capacity to its fullest. If you are looking to run your first Ultra distance or wanting to run a couple loops . . . and then sit back and enjoy the pain and suffering of the other BA competitors, this race is for you.

Participants will be surrounded by the love and support of other runners, volunteers, and the community helping you push your limits. This is a family-friendly environment, so bring a worthy crew and enjoy some tough people doing some tough things.

The Course

The 4.167-mile trail loop runs through a custom-created path through the South Park/Pollmiller Lake Campgrounds system.

The course consists of a paved bike path, paved road, crushed gravel, and some trail. The course is 80% paved path/road, 10% crushed gravel, and 10% trail/grass path.

With only 175 feet of elevation gain and loss per loop, this course will allow you to suffer a little more.

Upcoming Races

Sep 21 2024
Multiple Loop Course
2 Elevation Rating
Rolling, ~2500 feet in 50 miles
2 Surface Rating
Mostly groomed trail or dirt roads


Date Finishers Top Result (M) Top Result (F)
09/23/23 38 100 70.8
09/17/22 23 66.7 66.7
09/25/21 16 75.01 54.08