Thursday, January 2, 2020

Coming June 13, 2020 to Exeter, RI...

Try your legs at 400 minutes (6.66 hours) of the 666 loop (~6.66 miles), a course known to mountain bikers as the hardest MTB TT in RI:

~ 550 ft of ascent per lap.

The race will start at 9am, and you must be out on your final lap by the 6 hour mark (3pm) for your last lap to count.

Two aid stations: 
1. Start/Finish
2. ~4.2 miles from the start

Aid station nutrition:
Hydration - water and an electrolyte mix (we'll post this soon)
Food - the usual aid station fair (we'll post details soon)

Please check back in soon - we are sorting out the details and fine-tuning our game plan.

*Permit pending RIDEM approval 1/2/2020